Flag Subscription Service
Our Flag Subscription brings a beautiful United States Flag to your yard on the 5 major Flag Holidays. Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, September 11th, and Veteran's Day.
We deliver the flag the day before the holiday and will retrieve it the day after. If the day falls on a 3 day weekend the flag will remain over the weekend and be picked up on the evening of the last day. The flagpole is 8 ft tall and will be placed by the curb of your front lawn.
These flags lining the streets and neighborhoods make a stunning display if all neighbors sign up. This is a great way to teach your children and grandchildren about our American traditions and values as they relate to our major flag related holidays.
We partner with Boy Scout Troops (St. Michaels Troop #333) to promote patriotism and pride in our neighborhoods and our Parishes. The Flag Program proceeds help to fund local Veteran Services, The Gary Sinise Foundation, and the local Young Marines Organization.
For questions about or issues with your Flag Subscriptions please contact us here.
Dates for 2024:
Memorial Day (Monday May 27th 2024)
Flag Day (Friday June 14th 2024)
Independence Day (Thursday July 4th 2024)
September 11th (Wednesday September 11th 2024)
Veteran’s Day (Monday November 11th 2024)
Sign up for Flag Subscription