
About the Patriotic Degree

The Patriotic Degree is the highest degree of the order. Members of this degree are addressed as "Sir Knight". The primary purpose of the Patriotic Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism and to encourage active Catholic citizenship. A Knight is eligible to join the Patriotic Degree as soon as he has received his 3rd Degree. Assemblies are distinct from councils and are led by a separate set of elected officers. The Supreme Board of Directors appoints a Supreme Master and twenty Vice Supreme Masters to govern the Patriotic Degree. Each Vice Supreme Master oversees a Province which is then broken up into Districts. The Supreme Master appoints District Masters to supervise several assemblies. Each assembly is led by a Navigator. Other elected assembly officers include the Captain, Admiral, Pilot, Scribe, Purser, Comptroller, Sentinels and Trustees. A Friar and Color Corps Commander are appointed by the Navigator.  Assembly officers are properly addressed by using the title "Faithful" (e.g. Faithful Navigator). Assemblies are numbered in the order in which they chartered into the Order and are named by the local membership.